Showing 1 - 8 of 8 Results
Noise Characteristics of the Transrapid TR08 Maglev System by U.S. Department of Transpor... ISBN: 9781495359262 List Price: $27.99
Low-Cost Warning Device Industry Assessment by U.S. Department of Transpor... ISBN: 9781495427046 List Price: $16.99
Defining Characteristics of Intentional Fatalities on Railway Rights-of-Way in the United St... by Michael Martino, Ann Doucet... ISBN: 9781495212475 List Price: $15.99
Engineering Studies on Structural Integrity of Railroad Tank Cars Under Accident Loading Con... by D. Y. Jeong, Y. H. Tang, H.... ISBN: 9781494996413 List Price: $17.99
Cab Technology Integration Laboratory Demonstration with Moving Map Technology by U.S. Department of Transpor... ISBN: 9781494464714 List Price: $15.99
Engineering Design for Pedestrian Safety at Highway-Rail Grade Crossings by U.S. Department of Transpor... ISBN: 9781542811699 List Price: $19.95
Maglev Train Technologies and High-Speed Rail Programs: A Comprehensive Guide to Advanced Ma... by U.S. Department of Transpor... ISBN: 9781422051764 List Price: $35.95
High-Speed Passenger Trains (HSR) and America's High-Speed Intercity Passenger Rail (HSIRP) ... by U.S. Department of Transpor... ISBN: 9781422051771 List Price: $35.95